Cancer Control
Sweden is a pioneer in cancer control and has excellent prerequisites for implementing precision health and medicine. Our tradition of close collaboration between universities, healthcare providers and the life science industry has been a path to success for new advances in cancer care and treatment. Swedish companies contribute to medical breakthroughs in more precise pharmaceutical and radiation treatments; advanced, often digital, diagnostic technologies and innovative monitoring and follow-up methods. Will you join Sweden in treating and defeating cancer?
The Challenge
The global fight against cancer: challenges and opportunities
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million or 1 in 6 deaths in 2018.
The number of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next two decades. But 30–50% of cancers could be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies. The cancer burden can also be reduced through early detection of cancer and management of patients who develop cancer.
Swedish Excellence
Quality and Efficiency in Swedish cancer care
Swedish cancer care does well in international comparisons with good outcomes like lower mortality and longer survival. Initiatives for a more equitable and accessible high-quality cancer care in Sweden include the introduction of a national system of standardized care pathways, without unnecessary lead times and a good interaction between patient and care provider, based on reliable information and open and trusting communication. Sweden is a pioneer in cancer control and has excellent prerequisites for implementing precision health and medicine. The Swedish government has since 2009 a strategy for cancer.
Together we can defeat cancer
Sweden has a well-established tradition of close collaboration between universities, healthcare providers and the life science industry, and this has been a path to success for new advances in cancer care and treatment. Swedish companies contribute to medical breakthroughs in e.g. more precise pharmaceutical and radiation treatments; advanced, often digital, diagnostic technologies and innovative monitoring and follow-up methods.
Swedish Export Promoting Activites 2024
Is cancer a leading cause of death globally?
False. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer, making it the second leading cause of death – second only to cardiovascular diseases.
Is cancer incidence for women higher than for men in Sweden?
False. The number of deaths caused by cancer among men in Sweden was higher than the number of cancer deaths among women in all years during the period from 2009 to 2020. For both men and women, the number of cancer deaths were generally decreasing over the period. In 2020, the death rate from cancer was around 237 deaths per hundred thousand inhabitants among men and around 217 among women.
Is lung cancer the most common cancer form globally?
False. Lung cancer is the 2nd most common cancer worldwide. It is the most common cancer in men and the 2nd most common cancer in women.
Is the survival rate for children getting cancer in Sweden 85%?
True. In Sweden, nearly one child a day is diagnosed with cancer, and about 1,000 children and teens are under treatment. Around 85% survive, thanks to major progress in the past 40 years in research, treatment and nursing. Treating a child with cancer is a special situation for the health care system. The sick child is not the only victim – the entire family’s life changes. In addition to medical care, the young patient, his or her siblings and parents also need support. For example, children with cancer need support for their schooling, and their families need accommodation at the hospital.
Latest publications and Swedish actors within this area

Treating and Defeating Cancer - the Swedish way
As part of Swecare's work to showcase areas of excellence in Swedish healthcare and life science, we have created this interactive brochure on cancer care and Swedish solutions. The brochure will be distributed to Swedish embassies, partners and in connection with Expo2020 in Dubai.
Treating and Defeating cancer - the Swedish way
2023 Swedish Cancer Society Report – Clinical research
The Swedish Cancer Society work to beat cancer faster through financing the best cancer research in Sweden. Read their latest Cancer Society Report.
Vision Zero Cancer
A vision-driven innovation milieu financed by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova. View a presentation about why, how and with what Vision Zero Cancer works as well as information about the organisation, core team and reference group.
A presentation about the research- and innovation milieu Vision Zero Cancer
Europe’s Beating Cancer: implementation roadmap
The European Commission has published an implementation roadmap and progress indicators for Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to monitor developments on the ten flagship initiatives as well as its other actions. Vision Zero Cancer was involved in the consultation processes around the development of the plan almost a year ago.
Europe’s Beating Cancer: implementation roadmapA National Cancer Strategy for the Future – Summary
On 5 July 2007, the Government decided to appoint a Chair of Inquiry tasked with submitting proposals for a national cancer strategy for the future. The remit has been fulfilled with the publication of this report.
A National Cancer Strategy for the Future – Summary